So I think almost all of the times that I am inspired, it is by something beautiful, colorful, tasty, comfortable, and just in general POSITIVE.
Well this week I was inspired by not-so-positive events.
I was hit by a car on my bike on Tuesday on my way back to work from lunch at home.
I walked away with bad scrapes on my knee, elbow, and hand and a lot of "what ifs" running in my head, but THAT'S IT.
And man, I feel so so so so so so lucky.
For. Real.
So what inspiration did I get from this accident?
1. To wear a helmet ALL of the time.
It is only a short 5 blocks from my house to work and I usually do not wear a helmet. And I was not wearing a helmet on Tuesday. This fact makes me feel even double lucky that I didn't get injured worse.
2. To ride my bike more carefully ALL of the time.
Often times I am just on auto pilot. After all, I do this "commute" several times daily.
But I am going to be more aware of everything on my rides from now on.
Not to say that the accident was my fault, but if I would have been paying more attention would I have not gotten side swiped by the car? Possibly.
3. To drive my car more carefully ALL of the time.
I am definitely guilty of being in a rush (for no reason) or just impatient on the road.
And it is just not necessary.
Since Tuesday I have walked to/from work every day and I watch people just not paying attention as they are driving. It is pretty amazing that there are not more accidents!
Before I get off my soap box, I want to ask that everyone thinks about these things and implement them in their lives if they can.
Because an accident happens so fast.
And much of the time they can be prevented.
So, please wear your helmet, ride aware, drive aware, and slow down.