I am so inspired by before and after furniture projects.
I did one a year or so ago and I have to admit that it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted and I didn't really finish it completely, and I might end up re-doing it...
But currently I have a couple of pieces, a desk and a hexagon side table, that could be really beautiful if I re-did them. Both were found on the side of the road, so free, and with a some paint could be looking pretty hip!
I am a huge fan of Design Sponge and it is filled with inspiring before and afters.
The following images are ones that I might use as inspiration for my own re-dos.
The first one is a dresser, but I love the paint colors and way it is painted, and I think my little desk would be so cute like this!

Sooo cute, right?
I love this second before and after. When I got my hexagon side table (similar look to this one below), I thought "This would make the cutest cat house! I could totally pimp it out!". I ended up not doing that, and currently it houses my Wii accessories.
But then I saw this before and after and it sparked my desire to re-do it.
I wouldn't do it in this color scheme, but it is still a good jumping off point!

My cats would love a cat-cave like this!
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