Thursday, May 26, 2011

shoes inspire me!

I am not usually a "typical" girly girl...
Except when it comes to shoes.
I love shoes. They really do inspire me, as cheesy as that might sound.

I gawk at other people's shoes- cute or not.
These shoes (and legs) belong to my friends... Aren't they cute?!

I can't help but to walk through the shoe department in stores, if not just to gaze at the colors and textures.
Sometimes to stare in amazement that, not only did someone actually design some of the shoes but that someone might actually buy them!
(Case and point)

And then...

And then I find a pair.
On sale.
In my size.
That feel pretty good on.
And I fall in love.
Or lust.
I got these in seafoam.
I am pretty obsessed with this color right now.
And the heal, albeit small, is just about the tallest I go.
Actually, these are the most high heals that I have ever had...
which is laughable since they really are not high at all. But just perfect for me!

Hooray for new shoes!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I love animals.
And that includes dogs.
Particularly boxers.
They're beautiful, cute, fun, funny, sweet, playful...
My brother had a white boxer, Monty, who was such a goof ball.

On my weekend in San Francisco I met a couple of boxers.
And a hilarious golden-doodle.
This cute pup was hanging out outside of La Boulange in Noe Valley.
*note the "dog parking" sign

He seemed a bit concerned about being left outside by himself.
But super cute nonetheless!

Next, at Dolores Park, my friend Radha and I came upon these two new friends:
A brindle boxer and a golden doodle puppy.

The golden doodle puppy cracked me up.
He was goofy and clumsy and just plain silly.

And he was having such a fun time racing around the park.

He makes me giggle.

Can't you just picture his thoughts?
"oh boy oh boy I'm having so much fun!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Portraits of the Band Members

Here is an extension of the band photos...
Just a snap here and there of the band members individually.
And lots of Tyson, as we were testing light and positioning for the band photos.

I love taking individual portraits, candid or not!





And here are lots of Tyson...
He was a model in another life.

They're a good lookin' group, wouldn't you say?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Photoshoot: Tropo

I hung out with local band, Tropo, on Sunday and took some photos...
There are lots and lots of photos, but here are some of my favorites.
Also, some of the photos will enlarge if you click on them...

(left to right)
Grant, Jeff, Ryan, Tyson, and Ahmed

Yes, Tyson and Grant (in front row) are my brothers!

Some pretty badass, guys, dontcha think?
Keep your eye out for shows around SLO county!
Including a Friday Concerts in the Plaza slot!

a very busy weekend!

I had a very busy weekend...
It started out with my CSET Math & Science test at 7:15am on Saturday.
And it ended with photo editing photos of local band, Tropo, on Sunday evening at 11pm!

In-between, some pretty great things happened too!

After my CSET, Adam surprised me with a belated birthday!

Complete with a cupcake cake (!) with beeswax birthday candles that Adam made.
For the record, and for new readers, yes Adam is my ex-boyfriend.
And no, we are not back together. We are friends. And that works well for us, thanks!

After my surprise belated birthday, I tried out Bikram Yoga for the first time.
No photos of that... And I did enjoy it, though I'm not going to trade in my flow yoga at
The Yoga Centre for Bikram.

After yoga, Adam and I continued the belated birthday party with a sushi dinner in honor of Adam's March birthday.

Goshi Sushi is easily San Luis Obispo county's best sushi restaurant.
And it, conveniently, is right next to the Bikram studio.

Because it was Adam's birthday dinner, we got a pomegranate & peach icee to start...
Followed by Black Cod (my god have you had this before???? It is soooooo good)
and a shared sushi dinner. It is amazing how much better GOOD sushi is from mediocre!

In celebration of Mother's Day, my brother Tyson, mom Kate, Billy, and I
went on a hike in Atascadero on Sunday morning.
This is my home town and it was fun seeing Atascadero from the top of Pine Mountain
It is a really green and lush town!
Here are photos from the hike:
(These were all taken with my iPhone, so they are so-so)
If you look really closely, you MIGHT be able to see the house
I grew up in way out in the distance...

You can't tell, but the left photo of Tyson and Billy is actually of them sitting
in the tree on the right.
Indian Paint Brush...

Purple flowers...
Including a flower that looked like a poppy and "Owl Clover".


Thistle... Who knew the flowers of such a prickly plant would be so pretty!

On Sunday afternoon, I picked some fresh kale from Adam's garden and made Kale Chips!
I forgot to take a photo of the end result... but they were tasty!

When I got home at one point on Sunday, I found my cats like this:
For those of you who have not met them,
Brooklyn (on the top) is about twice as big as Olive (on the bottom)...

And to finish this weekend post, here is a hint for what is to come:
Local band, Tropo, and I spent some time doing a photoshoot here.
Post of that to come so visit again soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

San Francisco post 8: Random Leftovers...

Wow... I sure did take a lot of photos over 2 and a half days in San Francisco!
I think these are the last of them...
Random assortment.
I hope you enjoy them!

This photo is for Kat.
I'm pretty sure this is lil Leo hoopin' it up!

Alley ways and shadows...

Chinese food and donuts.
City Smoke & Gifts (where you can get your hip hop clothing).
And a meat shop that has lots of different meats, including goat.

Doors... This is just a partial collection of my SF doorways...
They're so pretty!

I was obsessed with the designs that the bus stops made in different lights.

Pretty sweet bike, if you ask me!

Mexican bakery in the Mission.

I just loved this color coordinated blue mini in front of the blue garage doors.