Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PS22 Chorus

The other day I stumbled on a link for a PS22 Chorus video.
And I found myself watching video after video of these AMAZING 5th Graders and their teacher, Mr. B, from Staten Island's Public School 22.

To say I am inspired by these kids and this teacher is an understatement.
I got tears in my eyes more than once while watching their videos.
What Mr. B does every year with the school's 5th graders is so spectacular and it really makes me want to make a difference in others' lives.

They sing popular songs from artists Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Owl City, Journey, Coldplay, Bjork, Jay-Z, Matisyahu, and so many more!

But enough from me.
Please check their videos out.
They have many videos on YouTube and they are always adding new ones.
Check out the videos I have posted and definitely go to their YouTube channel: agreggofsociety and see more!

Here is PS22 Chorus doing Bjork:

And PS22 Chorus doing MGMT:

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