I went to lunch today at a really really good place.
A. if you don't know about it, you probably would never know about it unless someone told you about it.
B. if you have not been before, you probably should.
The restaurant is called The Neon Carrot.
It is on South Higuera, towards Trader Joes, in one of those little "plazas" that don't seem to have anything interesting unless you are going to Curves or to Mail Boxes Etc (making those up, but- it's that kind of plaza).I didn't take a photo of it, but above the restaurant is a generic plaza sign that says "RESTAURANT". Judging from that sign, I would think the place was a mediocre, at best, diner or something.
But instead, oh boy, instead it was cute, healthy, yummy, local, yummy, and did I mention yummy?

Toasted flat bread with a gingered carrot puree.
On top of that, a grilled egg plant that had a smoked/bbq taste to it.
On top of that, a Mint and Pistachio spread.
On top of that, a great salad!
And throughout the whole thing, little pieces of preserved lemon peel.
It was, in one word, delicious.
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